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Exhibitions "Opseis"

Participations in other exhibitions





“Opseis”, Program Youth for Europe

Collective, Montpellier (France), (1995), Organized by Peuple et Culture


"August of Photography"

Anthimos Kalpatzidis, Lambros Kiriakou, Aggeliki Nekidou, Giannis Stefanidis, Petalotirio, Florina (Hellas), (1996)

Organized by Cultural Club of Florina


"International month of photography"

Collective,Pezinok - Bratislava (Slovakia), (1996)


"August of Photography"

Collective,Petalotirio, Florina (Hellas), (1997)

Organized by Cultural Club of Florina


"Exhibition in the Kapodistrias University of Athina"

Collective, Athina (1998)


"Retradidades", Program Youth for Europe

Collective, Porto (Portugal), (1999), Organized by Aicart



Collective,  Thessaloniki (Hellas), Organized byHELEXPO - ÄÅÈ (1999)


"Exhibition in the University of Patra"

Collective, Patra (Hellas), (2000)


"Arca d' Arte"

Christos Ghighis, Katerina Douma, Maria Tzelepi

Porto (Portugal), (2000), Organized by Aicart


“International month of photography”

Collective, Plovdiv (Bulgaria), (2000)


"Balkan Photo Aspects"

Christos Ghighis, Anthimos Kalpatzidis, Triantafillos Kourouklas, Lambros Kiriakou

2000, Thesaloniki (Hellas), (2000)

Organized by Photography Centre Of Thessaloniki


"Photography in Alvao"

Christos Ghighis, Eleni Moisidou, Achilleas Tilegrafos

 Alvao (Portugal), (2001), Organized by Aicart


"Wege am wasser", Program Youth for Europe

 Bremen (Germany), (2001),  Organized by Kunst in kontakt


"Montpellier episode 4", Program Youth for Europe

Montpellier (France), (2002), Organized by Peuple et Culture


"Lodz photography festival"

Lodz (Poland), (2003)


"Mois de la photo dans la Niévre "

 Nevers  (France),(2005)


"Photography festival of Patra"

Patra (Hellas), (2007)


"Photography for the enviroment"

Stavroupoli (Hellas), (2007)



Updated 22/03/12